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Self Introduction
Last update 2023-08-11
1 Birth date Nov 23
2 Language Japanese
3 Birthplace Port town
4 Homeland Top of the hill
5 Occupation IT engineer(Infrastructure)
6 Hobby, activities Walking(both in urban and in nature)
Check the manufacture of elavators and escalator(I wished to design the mechanism of elevators)
7 Expensive shopping ever?? Gold bullion
8 Uses of bonus No particular(I will save)
9 If receive million dollars.. The half for investing in institutes / Another for the precious
10 Model of mobile phone Google Pixel 6a(docomo&povo)
11 Model of PC (Desktop) Intel NUC 11
12 Model of PC (Mobile) HP EliteBook 630 G9
13 Boast? I have memorized 100 digits of pi
14 Experience of PC From 1998 (using Hotmail from 2001)
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