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My Favorites
Last update 2023-08-12
1 Fav. town Marunouchi Tokyo / Minato Mirai 21 Yokohama / Shibuya Tokyo
2 Travel wish-list Nagasaki / Kobe / Kyoto / Singapore / New York
3 Fav. sport Long-distance running / Tennis
4 Least fav. sport Ball games
5 Fav. food Cheese(e.g. pizza) / Fried chicken / Fat meet / Fresh cream
6 Fav. drink Kirin Tropicana Sparkling / Ginger ale / Cold water
7 Fav. alcoholic I don't drink much alcohol!
8 Least fav. food Ripe egg yolk / Chinese moon cake(contain egg)
9 Least fav. drink Milk / Oyster sauce
10 Least fav. alcoholic Spirytus burns my throat even w/ water!
11 Fav. vehicle NISSAN GT-R / 300 series Shinkansen / Lenear Chuo-shinkansen
12 Fav. animal🐧 Cat / Rabbit / Bear
13 Fav. season Spring
14 Person I Respect IWASAKI Yataro(Founder of Mitsubishi) / SHIBUSAWA Eiichi(Father of Japanese capitalism) / MURAI Jun(the father of Internet)
15 Fav. clothes brand I wish to buy a product of UNITED ARROWS someday
16 Fav. CVS LAWSON(I'm accumulating Ponta points & d points)
17 Fav. supermarket OK store / LIFE
18 Favo. restaurant McDonald's / GUSTO / Saizeriya / Kentucky Fried Chicken
19 Main bank Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
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